Monday, August 10, 2009

Thank You...Thank You...You're Far Too Kind..

I ust want to thank/ apologize all of my followers and readers of my blog who have sent me e-mails. I created an e-mail account just becase I though it would look dope on the side of my blog reel ( LoL ) but I just checked my inbox today and realized people actually sent me messages. I'm used to my inbox being full of spam messages from people in Africa, but I got REAL people in my inbox ?! My blog is on the come up ! Please, please, PLEASE don't think I'm one of those people who's too good to respond back to people who show them love--I'm far from it ! You show me love, I def show it right back ! I appreciate all of the support..keep it comin !

E-mail me ya thoughts about the blog @

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